1. Kickstart: Securely save your Rudder/CFEngine's agent keys during installation

    Reinstalling a server, be it for testing or upgrade, I'm sure you've had the need to.
    If you use Rudder/CFEngine, you know you need to take care of those little agent keys if you …

  2. Rudder 3.2: Default group classes

    If you've followed the latest Rudder's release note, you've noted in 3.2 changelog - amongst other nice stuff - this new feature:

    • Add CFEngine classes for each group of a node

    Now in Rudder 3.2 …

  3. Speed up Rudder new node's detection - 2016 Update

    In my previous article, I was proposing a way to update the new inventory list sent to Rudder more quickly.
    Upon upgrading to Rudder 3.2 and CentOS 7 at the same time, this was …

  4. Introducing g2rudder

    Accessing a REST API without the proper tools is often bothersome, especially when you only have a shell and curl at hand - like in a kickstart %post part - and parsing JSON replies or building parameters …